A very good summation of KHNP and Kepco. It should be noted that Barakah is not South Korea's first nuclear export project. It's the first with its own technology, the OPR-1000. Prior to that, KHNP was a leading partner in the design and construction of the two reactors in China at Qinshan Phase 3. These are two CANDU-6 reactors originally developed by Atomic Energy of Canada Limited. The Qinshan reactors for the past two decades have been the best performing reactors in China's rapidly growing nuclear power fleet.

The Qinshan project showed that KHNP was not limited to just its own technology but could make any reactor project a success where it had existing design and operating experience. South Korea has three CANDU-6 nuclear reactors in operation since the early 1990s at the Wolsong NPP. Wolsong-1 was shut down for purely domestic political reasons after completing its refurbishment program. All of the Wolsong reactors have typically been among the best and most reliable performing reactors in the world over the past three decades.

KHNP drew heavily on its Qinshan experience to complete Barakah as rapidly and effectively as it did. It should also be noted that like France South Korea licenced someone else's nuclear power design. In the case of the OPR-1000, it was developed out of the Babcock&Wilcox System 80+ design.

It's very good indeed that Zion is pointing out how successful the Korean nuclear programme has been, both at home and abroad. It is truly remarkable that South Korea has grown a strong industrial manufacturing base despite having NO domestic fossil fuel supplies whatsoever. In the current world economy, this is unprecedented, and shows how much the country has surpassed its impoverished neighbour to its north over the past four decades.

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Would be great to see smaller modular type designs of reactor being constructed. The goal of low cost reliable generation with no carbon emissions coming on line at greater scale and shorter project times is a big win. It's clear that big custom designs are just too complex to deliver. Modular designs would create a track record of success at a quicker pace.

I'd like to know more about the Korean unit price for electricity. Is nuclear helping to keep costs down? This is better for consumers and assists business to be globally competitive.

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What an excellent read bit just on energy but also for industry Development and skulking.

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